Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly Update

Lemon.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 14 (and 1 day, technically)
Weight gain/loss: +5 lbs.
Cravings: Nothing in particular this week... I still am loving a good steak!
Aversions: Not anything I can think of... It looks like maybe my eating has returned to normal!
Sleep: All the time.  I have definitely not gotten any of that 2nd trimester energy that I am supposed to be getting.  Plus, I have had a sinus infection for the past couple of days, and that is kicking my butt, too.
Breakdowns: Yes, one.  It was huge, and for all of the parties involved, the details will remain a secret.
Significant Events: Holy cow, I am in my second trimester!!!  Is that crazy or what?  Also, I have actually busted out the stretchy panel maternity jeans twice now!  I call them my "buffet pants", because I can eat all I want and they just stretch out... 
What I Miss: Being able to do normal daily activities without feeling like I need to stop and catch my breath.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery put together.  We have colors picked out, and now we just have to get going.
What I’ve Learned: I think it might be the benadryl that is making me groggy, but I can't come up with anything good this week.
Belly Pic: Okay, here is the deal people... As previously mentioned, I have an awesome sinus infection going right now.  Also, I haven't seen the shower in over 24 hours.  Oh, and my straightening iron broke, and my make-up is lost.  So, needless to say, this isn't the best I have ever looked.  I am almost embarrassed to even show this pic to people, but I will do it, just because I know people like seeing them.  (Also, I am wearing the "buffet pants" in the pic, and I think it makes my bump look bigger than it actually is... I swear it doesn't look this big in normal pants.)  ****Edit.  I posted another pic on the right that was taken the next day.  I thought it was a very accurate bump pic, so you can kind of see what it looks like without extra padding.  Plus, I didn't want you guys to think that I looked like that all the time!  Jeez... 
IMG_20100929_212301.jpg picture by abbyharalsonIMG_20101001_130315.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Appointment this morning!!

Nothing too crazy... Just a routine, every-four-weeks appointment.  I had to pee in a cup (which I am getting much better at, especially with all the practice on those darn cheapie internet pregnancy tests), the doctor did the doppler, and just answers some general questions.  It is just so crazy to think that this is my 2nd appointment!  Holy cow.  Seriously.

Oh, and also this morning, Brian and Sarah had their baby!  Congrats guys!  Michaelene Olive (I think she is going by "Ollie").  So cute!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 13
Weight gain/loss: +3 lbs.
Cravings: Steak!  I want it so badly!
Aversions: Nothing huge... I don't like onions, which used to be my absolute favorite.
Sleep: I am definitely tired all the time.  Supposedly, I should start getting more energy in 2nd tri... I can't wait.
Breakdowns: None this week!  Whoo hoo.
Significant Events: We finally got to tell our families!  It is no longer a secret!
What I Miss: Being able to get dressed and not feel totally self-conscious.  
What I’m Looking Forward To: 2nd trimester, baby!  3 days!!
What I’ve Learned: It is NEVER too early to wear maternity clothes.  
Belly Pic: I promise to post one after I get out of the shower... Deal?
(2 hours later) Okay, here it is... I am definitely starting to get a little bloat very low.  It is hard to see it because my waistband is covering it up.  But, it is definitely there... And the exciting news is that I think it is actually starting to be a baby bump, not just bloat!!  (Clarification: the top gut that you are seeing is bloat... The bump is coming along, it is hard to see in the pic.)
IMG_20100921_150835.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We just got to see Baby Bullseye...

... and it was twisting and turning!!  The tech that did the ultrasound said that it was definitely moving around a lot.  At one point, we were looking at the baby, and it did this little flip from its back to its stomach!  It was too cute!  And for most of the ultrasound, the baby had one of its arms up around its face, which was adorable.  I told Brett it reminded of my of our nephew Easton, who has a habit of sucking on his first and middle fingers.

Here are some pics: 

Full body shot of baby
IMG_20100916_152907.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Body shot of baby, and you can see the hand up by its face!

I think this if from the top... you can see its head and arms

Aw, I think it is going to look like me!  :-)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekly Update

Plum.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 12
Weight gain/loss: +4 
Cravings: Well, I had a craving for McDonald's cheeseburgers today, so I went and got some for lunch.  Currently, I feel like I might vomit all over the place.
Aversions: As of this afternoon, McDonald's cheeseburgers.
Sleep: I just feel tired all the time, but not like I need to sleep all the time... Just like I need to sit down and rest... If that makes sense.
Breakdowns: Yes, a large one.  It involved much crying.  Me getting my feelings hurt again.
Significant Events: I actually ordered maternity clothes today!!  I don't know when I will start wearing them, but I felt like I should go ahead and have some... My jeans are getting extremely tight!
What I Miss: Nothing really... 
What I’m Looking Forward To: We have our NT scan in two days, so we will get to see the baby on ultrasound!!  And then this weekend we are going to MO to tell Brett's family... I can't wait.  I am making Mugsy a shirt to wear that says, "My mommy got knocked up and all I got was this lousy shirt."
What I’ve Learned: It is a very weird transition to actually get a baby bump.  Because I don't technically have a bump right now, but you can definitely tell that my stomach is getting bigger.  So, right now I am afraid that I just look like I am gaining weight!!!  I know that doesn't matter, because in a few weeks it will be more apparent, but right now wearing normal clothes is very complicated.
Belly Pic: Okay, I'll take one for this week.  I'll post it in a few hours.  :-)
ETA: Okay... Here it is.  I know I have a big gut... No funny comments!
IMG_20100914_222158.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We survived our first year!!

What a nice day it has been... It was mostly uneventful.  We slept in for a bit, and then decided to go get brunch at Jimmy's Egg.  They have these awesome sweet potato pancakes!  Yum.  Then we went home and watched the Giants win their first game of the season!!  I have the best hubby... He just went along with it and didn't make a big fuss about having to watch football on our one-year anniversary.  (Yes, I realize what a role-reversal this is... LOL.)  This evening we went for dinner at Sumo, and then we went to the Andover Central Park where we got married, and we ate the top part of our cake.  (It was still delicious!)

It seems so crazy to think it has been a whole year!  Thanks for the Facebook wishes and text messages from everyone.  We seriously think that we had such an awesome wedding, and we are lucky to have such great friends and family to be part of those memories.  Love you guys!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We are officially.... Team Green!

(***Team Pink = girl...  Team Blue = boy...  Team Green = don't know!)

Okay, it has been decided... We are not going to find out the gender of the baby.

Brett wants to find out.  I don't.  We had many discussions about how we could do this.  But, what it came down to is this... Brett said that part of the fun of finding out (in his eyes) would be telling people.  So, if he can't tell people, he would just as soon not find out.  (This is what he said, not me.)

Now, I understand this was a huge compromise on his part.  So, what we have decided is that we won't find out this time, but with any future pregnancies, we will.  This was the best compromise that we could come up with.

I think this should be fun!  I already have gender neutral nursery colors picked out and everything!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekly Update

Lime.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 11
Weight gain/loss: +2/3 (depending on the day)
Cravings: Soups!  Mostly veggie soups.  And yesterday, strawberry ice cream (which is very bizarre, considering about 2 weeks ago I had a strong aversion to any ice cream).
Aversions: Chicken.  It used to be all meat, now it is just chicken.
Sleep: I have learned how to go to the bathroom and get back to bed without opening my eyes.  Other than my nightly visits to the bathroom, I am sleeping well... And I like to sneak in a nap on whatever days I can.  :-)
Breakdowns: Well, kind of one.  Brett and I were watching Marley and Me, which I had seen before, but apparently didn't remember any of it.  Anyways, they get to this part where she is 10 weeks pregnant and she is going to the doctor for an ultrasound.  But as they do the ultrasound, they can't find the heartbeat and it turns out the baby died.  I bawled... Like, sobbed for about 5-10 minutes.  Brett felt so bad... He just hugged me.  I know it is sad anytime you see that, but, man... That did it for me!  
Significant Events: I am officially no longer buttoning any of my jeans!  I wear a belt, and you pretty much can't tell that I don't have them buttoned.  They are just getting too tight!
What I Miss: Nothing... 
What I’m Looking Forward To: We have our NT scan in a little over a week.  For those who don't know, an NT scan will include ultrasound and bloodwork to see if the baby is at risk for birth defects... So, we will get to see Bulls-eye on ultrasound!  Dixi is in Wichita that week, so she is going to come with us.
What I’ve Learned: Hmm... I don't have very much wisdom this week.  I have learned that it is extremely hard to keep this big of a secret!  Good news tends to travel fast... 
Belly Pic: Eh, there isn't much of a change, but maybe I will take one later on... I swear you can't tell.  I just look bloated.
Edit: Okay... I took one... As you can tell from the pudge up top near my belly button, this is in no way, shape, or form an actual baby bump.  This is simply me indulging one too many times in my carb cravings... But, here it is...
IMG_20100907_170052.jpg picture by abbyharalson