Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas cards

Whimsical Wishing Tree Christmas
Create personalized Christmas cards. at
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 40... My due date!
Breakdowns: At my weekly appointment, I had zero progress.  I was pretty bummed out, so I might have gone to Wal-Mart and spent about $25 on candy.  I got three boxes of Keebler's cookies, 2 packs of Cadbury eggs, mini-Cadbury eggs, pop-tarts, mini chocolate donuts, and some other stuff.  Brett laughed so hard when he got home... and then told me to stop spending money on crap.  Oops!
What I’ve Learned: The end of labor is not fun!  I'm anxious, grumpy, and uncomfortable about 98% of the day... I'm a real peach to be around.
Belly Pic: Taken exactly on 40 weeks.

Weekly Update

Weeks: 39... I am soooo behind... I am going to skip some of the questions and get to the good stuff.
Cravings: Cadbury Creme Eggs... or the caramel ones!
Sleep: I *let* Brett have one pillow at night... because I am nice like that.
What I Miss: Yeah, I'll say it... beer.  I am ready for a beer.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the kid out of my belly!!
Belly Pic: Taken at exactly 39 weeks... I am trying to wear the same shirt so you can see the changes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 38!!  When is this baby going to come???
Cravings: Anything sweet!  I am loving some Cadbury Eggs about now.
Aversions: None.
Sleep: Great!  I am sleeping well except for the numerous bathroom trips.
Breakdowns: There is no time for breakdowns!!  School is keeping me way to busy.
Significant Events: Hmm... Not really any specific events.  I am having a big increase in contractions!!  And not Braxton Hicks contractions... real ones!  That is fun.
What I Miss: Nothing... I am just ready to meet our baby!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting our baby.  Knowing if it is a boy or girl.  Knowing its name.  Holding it.  All of the good stuff.
What I’ve Learned: Even if you think you are in early labor, you probably aren't.
Belly Pic: From this morning... I am wearing the same shirt as last week to see if there is any difference.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Update

*Why can't I do this on time???  Okay, so I will get it on time... Only a few weeks left, and I can do it on time.
Weeks: 37
Cravings: Still donuts!  Ah!  It is so bad... I only allow myself one (or three) on the weekends, though.
Aversions: None.
Sleep: Really good... I have figured out how to sleepwalk to the bathroom, so my 5 nightly bathroom trips aren't too bad.
Breakdowns: I keep thinking that I am going to totally freak out as the date approaches, but so far I have been so busy that I haven't even had time to blink!  I'm sure that if I make it to spring break, I will have some time to freak out!
Significant Events: Well, I think that this happened a few weeks ago, but did I mention that the baby has totally dropped??  It is so much lower than it used to be, which is weird because people still telling me I am carrying high.  But, nope, the little stinker is low, low, low.
What I Miss: Abs.  You know, the muscles.  It practically takes a crane to pull me up off the couch.
What I’m Looking Forward To: I am 100% ready to know the gender!!  I think girl, but I want to know for sure!
What I’ve Learned: When people hear that I don't know the gender, they always say, "Well how are you going to buy clothes?"  And I want to scream that this is one of the best parts!!  I have actually been able to buy girls and boys clothes, and I am just keeping the receipts to return whatever we don't need... It is awesome!  I get to shop for both!
Belly Pic: Okay, so this is from last Tuesday... Can you tell that I have dropped?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 36... And I am finally caught up!  I will try to keep it on schedule for the rest of the weeks.
Cravings: This is really bad, I know... but, donuts!  I just crave sweetness in the mornings!
Aversions: None... not a one.
Sleep: Oh, it is getting bad again!  I can't get comfortable to save my life, and those potty trips that I thought were so bad back in 2nd trimester... Well, we are up to at least 4 a night now!
Breakdowns: Nothing big... I have actually been not too crazy hormonal for the majority of this pregnancy.  Brett owes me.
Significant Events: I had a doctor's appt a few days ago (we are up to weekly appts) and I am a fingertip dilated!  Also, she said that the baby's head is down (where it should be), which basically means that we don't have to worry about a breech baby or anything like that.  She also gave me a nice compliment and said that I have a "great pelvis" and she doesn't see me having any issues with a vaginal birth.  Woot woot!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night... I can't wait until I'm not pregnant anymore so I can sleep through the night.  (You understand the joke, I assume?)
What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting our baby!  I am so curious if it is a boy or girl and who s/he will look like!  I just hope s/he has my dimples. :-)
What I’ve Learned: I'm not sure about this, but from what I have gathered over the past few weeks... Babies have a ton of stuff!  And I'm pretty sure that my house isn't going to be clean for the next 18 years.
Belly Pic: This was actually taken on Tuesday, which was 36 weeks.  Did I mention that I feel huge?  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: Oh, goodness!  I have been neglecting my blog. :-(    This is technically for week 35, even though I am late posting it!
Cravings: Cadbury Eggs!  I love them!
Aversions: I wish I was having an aversion to *something*!  Everything sounds good right now.
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty good right now!  I think it is just because I am getting so worn out during the day.
Breakdowns: None!
Significant Events: I had such a great time at the baby shower in Wichita this weekend!  Thanks to everyone that was able to come.  I hope you got to enjoy a margarita for me. :-)
What I Miss: Nothing.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the room to the point that I can call it complete.  At this point, it just needs a little bit of organization and a few decorations.
What I’ve Learned: Being pregnant during the summer must be miserable!  It is still cool, and I am sweating ALL THE TIME.  Seriously.  It is getting ridiculous.
Belly Pic: Okay, so even though the update is late, this pic is actually from the 35 week mark.  ;-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nursery Progress!

Brad and Dixi came into town this weekend, and this room is looking pretty awesome!  Here are some pics of how we got to where it is.  

Dixi was responsible for anything that required a lot of precision... Which was most of it.

I filled in the green lettering.

Mom stopped by, and they had to reminisce about their days of pregnancy... 

This morning, Brad made the comment, "Well, I *used to* like rectangles."  He was in charge of the taping for most of the rectangles on the wall.

Dixi outlined my green letters.

More rectangles...

And... WE'RE DONE!!!

That's all for now!!  We will add some more pictures after we get everything set up.  Don't the walls look awesome?  Thanks to Brad and Dixi for coming down and doing them!  

Weekly Update

Weeks: 34... And I realize that this is almost a week late!  I have been so preoccupied with school.
Cravings: Nothing in general... Everything is pretty good right now.
Aversions: Nothing in general... Everything is pretty good right now.
Sleep: I've been sleeping okay... Some nights are better than others.  I think it helps that I am so exhausted by the end of the day, I have no other option than to crash!
Breakdowns: None!
Significant Events: We had successful baby showers!  One in MO where Brett and I got to see just about all of his family!  It was such a good time, and the food was so good... And, the cupcakes were delicious!  (Thanks Amanda!)  Then one in Wichita just yesterday... It was such a great time, and good food (and margaritas!  None for me, but for the guests...).  Thanks to everyone who came to the showers!  They were such special days, and it means so much that everyone could take part in it.  Oh, and if you have pics of them, I would love to see!!  Post on Facebook or email me. :-)
What I Miss: Okay, well, I'm not going to lie.  A beer is starting to sound good, but I can hold off for another 6-7 weeks.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Being full term!  Only 3 more weeks until full term!
What I’ve Learned: When people talk about how hot you get during the end of pregnancy, they aren't kidding!!  I can't seem to stay cool... I feel like I am constantly sweating!  I swear, I am having hot flashes!
Belly Pic: Okay, I know that I am doing this late, but the pic is really from Tuesday, which was 34 weeks.  Did I mention that I am huge?  HUGE?? 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 33
Cravings: Pretty much anything that I shouldn't have... oooh... Thin Mints!  I haven't ordered any girl scout cookies, but thin mints are at the top of my list right now.
Aversions: None.  I pretty much want to eat everything in sight.
Sleep: I've been sleeping better!  I think it is because I am just draining myself during the day and getting so tired that I am forced to sleep well.  I have figured out a position that keeps me pretty comfortable, and I'm doing okay. 
Breakdowns: Well, I don't know if this is considered a "breakdown" as much as a crazy person that overtook my brain.  But, the other day in Lowe's, I convinced myself that my water broke.  It didn't.  And, I am losing my mind.  
Significant Events: The room is officially looking like a baby room!  It is pretty crazy what a little furniture will do.  Just wait until Dixi gets done with it... Oh!  And, we had a doctor's appointment today.  I am measuring right on track at 33 weeks, and she actually checked my cervix because of all the Braxton Hicks contractions I am having... I am not dilated at all, which is great!  
What I Miss: Nothing really.
What I’m Looking Forward To: The baby shower this weekend!!  I can't wait to see everyone!
What I’ve Learned: Braxton Hicks contractions are not fun.  At all.  And I really am not looking forward to having 7 more weeks worth of them.
Belly Pic: Taken this morning, before my doctor's appointment.  Do you think I have "popped" yet?  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

We have furniture!

Words cannot express how excited I am to be through with the furniture ordeal.  After the issue with Tiny Tykes, we went to Babies R Us, ordered the furniture on a Saturday (got an awesome deal on it, too) and got it on a Wednesday.  Whew!  Here are some pics... 

The crib came in a tall skinny box, and Brett and Brad (our friend Brad) assembled it all by themselves.  I kept trying to go in the room to regulate, and they kept kicking me out.  True story.

Thank goodness the dresser came assembled... This was the first thing out of the boxes.

Beginning of the assembly... 

Brett and Brad working their magic... 

And Brad... 

Just about done... 

It is officially put together, and this is what it looks like... 

And the dresser... 

Okay!  That is all for now... Brad and Dixi will be in town in a couple weekends, and she is going to make the walls BEAUTIFUL!  I can't wait!  I'll post more pics then. :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just for fun...

You know, since I don't have stretch marks yet... You can rest assured that once I get stretch marks across my belly, there will be no photographic evidence of it. Also, a funny little fact... When I took the bare belly shot, I actually tried to suck in.  Then I realized that I was doing it and that it probably was defeating its purpose, so I stopped.  Funny, but true.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 32... And yay to me for finally doing this on time!!  Okay, okay... I had a snow day.  That might have helped. :-)
Cravings: Well, right now we have a pot roast with potatoes and carrots cooking in the crock pot, and the smell of it is taking over the house.  So, that is really the only thing on my mind.  Also, donuts.  (Horrible, I know!)
Aversions: None. 
Sleep: It has actually been better lately!  I have been going to bed at a normal hour and sleeping pretty well through the night... That is with the exception of last night.  Maddie was scared of the blizzard going on, and kept getting in my face and whining... It was quite pitiful.
Breakdowns: Nope.  Well, no big ones, anyways... However, I will say that I haven't been too hormonal this whole pregnancy (Brett even admitted this about a month ago), but over the last few weeks, my hormones have started a nice little roller coaster ride.  Nothing horrible, but you can tell that I go from hi to low in 2 seconds flat.
Significant Events: We got the furniture ordered, and I had a really good coupon, so I saved a bunch of money!!  It is supposed to come in tomorrow, so everyone keep your fingers crossed that this snow doesn't cause it to get delayed.  Also, I have been getting lots of Braxton Hicks lately.  It makes me think that I am going to go early, but I know that really plenty of women get them for weeks and still go a full 40 weeks, so who knows???
What I Miss: Nothing, really.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the furniture!!  I am ready to get the room set up and start doing some organizing and decorating.
What I’ve Learned: I am a little better with the sewing machine than I thought... I actually made a baby quilt with leftover fabric!  And it looks pretty good!!
Belly Pic: I took this this morning... I feel like I have officially passed that point where everyone said, "Oh, you don't look that far along... I wouldn't have thought you were pregnant - you hardly have a bump!!"  Now, I just feel like a beached whale.  I am huge.  If you look at my belly from a few weeks ago, you can see that I have really gotten bigger in the last month.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 31
Cravings: Pretty much anything unhealthy... I have had lots of cravings for sweet pastries - donuts, Toaster Strudels, whatever I can get at the time!
Aversions: Just anything acidic that will give me heartburn... Especially OJ.
Sleep: I have actually been sleeping better the past week... Yay!  I don't know why, but I have been getting to bed earlier and not tossing and turning so much.
Breakdowns: None.
Significant Events: Not a whole lot happened this week... The baby is getting big and kicking away.  Per the books that I read, baby should be about 3 1/2 lbs by now!!  Yowza!  The kicks are starting to get pretty intense... I think we have a feisty one.  :-)  I had a doctor's appt the other day and she said that everything is looking good and we are measuring right on track!!
What I Miss: Nothing really.  Doing very good this week!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Ordering bedroom furniture!  I am going later today to place the order at Babies R Us.  We finally gave up on the other stuff and are getting a refund, so when we order the Babies R Us stuff, it should only take 1-2 weeks.  So excited!
What I’ve Learned: My clinicals this semester are in high risk OB, which is exactly two floors above L&D at Wesley.  All the people in my clinical group are betting on me going into labor at clinicals, so they can have a "free day".  What slackers!
Belly Pic: I know I am doing the update late again (sorry!), but this picture was actually taken Tuesday, which is exactly 31 weeks.  I feel huge, btw.  People say that I'm not, but good luck convincing me.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A "perfect storm" happened tonight...

I swear, that is what it is, because this would not normally happen under normal conditions.  

There were two main contributing factors.  First, I have been reading the book "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp.  It teaches the 5 S's of how to calm a crying baby, and the first "S" is swaddling.  So, of course, it gives detailed directions on how to swaddle the baby, and instructions to try it on a doll.  

Next, we just got a new flip-cam.  We had gift cards to Wal-Mart, so we got it pretty cheap.  We thought it would be nice to have before the baby comes.

So, with both of these events happening at the same time, it produced a disastrous result.  Yes, that is a link to a youtube video.  And, why yes, that is me on the youtube video.  Swaddling Mugsy. You have to see it for yourself.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weekly Update

Sorry I am so late with the post this week!!  I'll try not to make it a habit. :-)
Weeks: 30 
Cravings: Anything and everything... I have had this craving for sweets this week... I really wanted donuts over the weekend.  
Aversions: None.
Sleep: Getting better.  I think that I have figured out where to position the pillows to get the most comfortable.  Unfortunately, this leaves me with about 5 pillows and Brett with 1.  
Breakdowns: None.  
Significant Events: We started childbirth prep classes!  They started on Wednesday night, and they will go for 6 weeks.  I will give more details about it after we get into it a little more.  I also started school on Wednesday, which was really fun!  It was good to see all of my nursing friends.  
What I Miss: Pizza... My heartburn wouldn't handle it very well.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Everything!  Getting furniture, decorating the room, baby showers, baby!!
What I’ve Learned: Nothing really great.  I have learned a bit about this furniture fiasco that we are having... Specifically, when in doubt about what the guy at the furniture store is telling you, call the manufacturer.  Okay, I know, that seems weird and vague.  It is a loooooong story.  I don't have the energy to type it out right now.  Just keep your fingers crossed that we get our furniture in the next two weeks.
Belly Pic:  Okay, I know that the actual post is late, but the pic is from Tuesday, which was exactly 30 weeks... It was about 6 am, and I was on my way to meet my car-pool girls (Dera and Lauren) for the first day of class.