Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weekly Update

SweetPotato.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 18 weeks 2 days (I am having an issue getting these done exactly on the week marker, which is Tuesday.... On Tuesdays I have clinicals from 7 am to 7 pm, so needless to say, I am exhausted when I get done.)
Weight gain/loss: All I am going to say is that there was a big number mentioned last week when I went to the doctor's office, and this week I weigh less than that.  Whew!
Cravings: Halloween candy.  I think it is because I already bought it, so I know that it is there, hiding in the closet (yes, I "hid" it from myself... out of sight, out of mind, right???)
Aversions: Nothing too bad... I still am waiting to like onions again.
Sleep: Brett is sleeping well.  He snores every night.  Me?  Hmm... Not so much.  I guess it is just getting me prepared for all the restless nights with a little baby.
Breakdowns: None this week!  Yay!
Significant Events: I bought maternity scrubs this week.  Which is weird, because for the most part, people at work don't know that I am pregnant... But I can tell that mine are getting to tight, and the pants don't want to stay up.  Funny story, the DO NOT make maternity scrubs in purple, which is what I need for Butler clinicals... So, we will see what I do there.  
What I Miss: I saw a TV show last night where people were drinking champagne, and I thought, "Yum, that looks good".  And then I realized that was a no-no, and I snapped out of it.  Maybe some Welch's sparkling grape juice is in my future.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Okay, there are two things (which might be mentioned every week until they happen): 1)  I can't wait for Brett to feel the baby move from the outside.  I am feeling it a lot from the inside now, so I don't think it will be too much longer!  2)  We have our ultrasound in less then 3 weeks!  I can't wait to see the baby.
What I’ve Learned: Maternity jeans are the most comfortable jeans ever!  I never want to wear jeans with a button and zipper again... 
Belly Pic:  Here it is from this morning... I had just gotten out of the shower, hence the hair.
IMG_20101028_110115.jpg picture by abbyharalson

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