Weeks: 28
Cravings: Brett and I went to Wal-Mart yesterday just to pick up a few things... peanut butter, milk, etc. We went down the ice cream aisle, and I thought I was going to lose it! I wanted to eat it all! I had been craving ice cream all week, but last week it just about resulted in disaster... Seriously. I resisted the urge to come home with frozen Snickers, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, cheesecake bites, and 5 different kinds of Ben and Jerry's. I ended up getting a 1/2 gallon of "no sugar added" strawberry. Man, I could have done some damage if Brett would have let me, though.
Aversions: Currently, anything that will cause me indigestion, particularly OJ. Which is a real stinker, because I loved OJ at the beginning of pregnancy.
Sleep: I tossed and turned last night, and then tossed some more. I don't see this changing for the next, oh, 18 years.
Breakdowns: None! Brett actually admitted that I am far less hormonal that he thought I would be. I really haven't been a huge beast to live with. Promise.
Significant Events: We are really making progress on the nursery! Brad and Dixi painted it when they were down for Thanksgiving. This past week, we got new carpet put in, and we got a storage system for the closet. We are hoping that we get the furniture next week! (Cross your fingers for this one... it has been quite a mess to get it in stock.)
What I Miss: Nothing! I am feeling good... I can't believe it is less than 3 months. (Let me rephrase that: I *hope* it is less than 3 months, because I have a feeling that if I am still pregnant in 3 months, I won't be a very comfortable chick.)
What I’m Looking Forward To: I am really excited to get the nursery going! I can't wait to get furniture... once the furniture is in place, it will be much easier to start decorating. :-)
What I’ve Learned: Pretty sure that the baby maneuvered into a position it hadn't been into until last night... It seemed like that feet were down, and the head was way up by my belly button. So, the result of this was not fun! First, I'm pretty sure that s/he was using my bladder as a step stool. I kept running to the bathroom because I thought I was going to pee my pants, and then I would get a few little tinkles. Then, s/he started kicking. That was just a brand new feeling, that I didn't particularly love. Very weird, indeed.
Belly Pic: Here's one from this morning... I took a bare belly shot too. Not that I am thinking that I am hot stuff and need to show off my belly. But, I figured before I have stretch marks all over it, I might as well show it off!
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