Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 40... My due date!
Breakdowns: At my weekly appointment, I had zero progress.  I was pretty bummed out, so I might have gone to Wal-Mart and spent about $25 on candy.  I got three boxes of Keebler's cookies, 2 packs of Cadbury eggs, mini-Cadbury eggs, pop-tarts, mini chocolate donuts, and some other stuff.  Brett laughed so hard when he got home... and then told me to stop spending money on crap.  Oops!
What I’ve Learned: The end of labor is not fun!  I'm anxious, grumpy, and uncomfortable about 98% of the day... I'm a real peach to be around.
Belly Pic: Taken exactly on 40 weeks.

Weekly Update

Weeks: 39... I am soooo behind... I am going to skip some of the questions and get to the good stuff.
Cravings: Cadbury Creme Eggs... or the caramel ones!
Sleep: I *let* Brett have one pillow at night... because I am nice like that.
What I Miss: Yeah, I'll say it... beer.  I am ready for a beer.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the kid out of my belly!!
Belly Pic: Taken at exactly 39 weeks... I am trying to wear the same shirt so you can see the changes.