Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weekly Update

Prune.png picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 10
Weight gain/loss:  +1 lb.
Cravings: Taco Shop tostadas, frozen mac n cheese
Aversions: boxed mac n cheese (yes, it is weird how specific it is)
Sleep: I am actually sleeping pretty well, besides the 2-3 nightly trips to the bathroom.  I might like to slip a nap in here and there, but for the most part, I am not sleeping my 1st trimester away.  
Breakdowns: I *might* have gotten a little emotional this week when Brett was joking around with me... I felt really bad afterwards, because he felt really bad about making me cry.  Oh, emotions.
Significant Events:  :::hoping not to jinx self::: My morning sickness is gone!  For about the past week now, I haven't had it.  So, I guess we will see.  Oh, and another fun one... I have just noticed this week that Mugsy is starting to be much more protective.  I have heard people talk about how their dogs would be really protective when they are pregnant, and I think that he is starting to sense that something is going on.  Also, did I tell you about my doppler???  Yes?  Okay.
What I Miss: Okay, so I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't technically miss it, but when we went the the Wingnuts baseball game this week, beer was smelling delicious!  I felt guilty for thinking it smelled so good... (of course, I didn't/wouldn't drink it... duh).  Otherwise, there isn't much that I miss... I really like being knocked up!
What I’m Looking Forward To:  Telling the family!  2 1/2 more weeks, Haralson's... 
What I’ve Learned:  I need to buy more of that gel for my doppler, because when you use it 5x per day, the gel starts to dwindle pretty quickly.  Also, a 3 1/2 year old thinks the doppler is a toy.  He rubbed it over my belly for a good 5 minutes telling me that we were looking for "the sound"...  And, he will know when he finds it. It was pretty cute.  And it took 3 towels to get all the gel off my stomach.
Belly Pic:  There are not really any changes yet, but I promise to post one next week.  After I eat a huge lunch.  Maybe then it will look like there is actually a bump. :-)

Monday, August 30, 2010

So, I *might* be obsessed with the doppler...

And when I say this, I mean I only use it about 5 times a day.  I just like to hear it.  There's nothing wrong with that, right?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Appointments and other fun stuff

So, yesterday was our first appointment with the OB.  I have to say that I absolutely love her!  We really didn't do a whole lot... I peed in a cup (which, after countless OPKs and pregnancy tests, I am getting pretty good at), they took blood, and the doctor talked to us about basic pregnancy stuff that I had pretty much already learned about thanks to Dr. Google.  Brett and I both got a pretty good chuckle at one of the questions on the sheet we had to fill out at the beginning... "What is the last grade you completed?"  Um, really?  We kind of laughed, but it is pretty sad that some of the patients are so young.

I have to say that it was nice to have the first appointment.  Not because it was "oh-so-magical" or really informative... Just because we made it this far.  Whoo hoo to that!  I really feel like a pregnant lady now, with my appointments and my doctor and my urine samples and everything.

Okay, so on to the fun stuff part.  We ordered a doppler.  Okay, let me rephrase that... I nagged Brett for approximately 2 weeks, sent him numerous pictures of the one that I wanted, and finally - FINALLY - he ordered one.  I got it in the mail today, and just like a 7 year old girl who got her first Barbie convertible, I put batteries in it and started inspecting it.  Okay, let me say that from what I have read online 9 weeks is generally too early to hear a heartbeat on a home doppler.  Especially for someone like me, who has a little more, ahem, "padding" along their waistline.  (Less fat = less distance = better chance to hear HB)  From what I've read online, most people say that they can hear the HB around 11-13 weeks.

So, I try not to get my hopes up, and I start the thing up.  I even have the gel-stuff!  I'm like my own little doctor's office.  I try for about 5 minutes, nothing... And then there it is.  It was different than the other sounds because it was steady and so fast!  I found the heartbeat!!!  I was so excited, and then I kind of felt bad, because Brett wasn't there.  I kind of felt like I cheated and played with the new toy before I was supposed to... So, 30 more minutes before he gets home and I get to try again.  I hope he hurries, because I don't know how much longer I can hold my pee.  (FYI - It helps to hold your pee, because your bladder sits behind your uterus, so when you have a full bladder, it pushes your uterus closer to the front of your stomach making it easier to hear a HB... This is also why I have to pee 20 times a day.)

Oh, what a good couple of days.  Thanks to my one follower (Dixi).  I can't wait until more people get to read this!  Hopefully it will still be as exciting to everyone then as it is to me now.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekly Update

Olive.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 9
Weight gain/loss: Even right now... I'll take it!
Cravings: Fruit... specifically grapes and cantalope.  Also, tostadas or other mexican food.
Aversions: Meat!  Ugh, it makes me want to puke just looking at it.  Also, ice cream.  Which is weird, because normally I can eat my weight in Braum's Cappucino Chunky Chocolate.
Sleep: I'm a little more tired that normal, but doing okay.  School just started, though, so things may change.
Breakdowns: None this week!  Brett is very proud.
Significant Events: Besides making it to 9 weeks?  I'm feeling pretty good about that.  Not really anything.  I tried to go to Kirby's to watch O'phil play, and I got outed to some of our good friends.  Some guessed and others knew because they snooped through Brett's cell phone.  (Yes, Ryan, I am giving you the side-eye.)
What I Miss: Eating ice cream.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Our first appt. with our OB!!  It is tomorrow morning!!
What I’ve Learned: All of these pregnancy symptoms come and go on a daily basis.  Try not to freak out about every little thing.
Belly Pic: Okay, I am doing this as more of a starter picture... Like the "before" shot.  Because there is not very much going on right now.  I am pretty bloated, but that is not baby, that is just bloat.  
week9.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekly Update

Wow!  This is a big day... 3 posts today!  It won't always be like this.  I just want to get up-to-date with the weekly updates.  So, here goes...
Raspberry.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 8
Weight gain/loss: -3 lbs
Cravings: Macaroni and cheese, carbs, pasta, pizza, milk
Aversions: Meat!  I had it a couple of times, but it seriously doesn't taste good anymore.
Sleep: I officially changed my work schedule so that I am working 8 hr shifts instead of 12 hr shifts.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I felt like I was going to fall asleep in the middle of my shift.
Breakdowns: Maybe just one this week... I *might* have gotten upset with a certain someone for eating chocolate chips out of the bag.  How am I going to make a full batch of cookies when 1/4 cup of them are skimmed off the top?  
Significant Events: Morning sickness went away and then came back.
What I Miss: Seeing my friends.  I have been trying to avoid people, because the more I am around people, the more likely I am to get questions and comments.  And, I hate having to keep it a secret!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Our first appt with the OB/GYN is next week!  I can't wait.
What I’ve Learned: This sounds silly, but I would rather have the morning sickness than not have it.  I freaked out when it went away... I think it is reassuring to me that everything is going okay in there.
Belly Pic: Although I feel huge and bloated, there isn't really a difference yet.  I might try a pic next week, but seriously, it would be all bloat!  There is definitely no baby bump yet.  Bloat bump, maybe.

Weekly Update

Okay, I am kind of cheating here... I'm going back to week 7 to do the first one.  It was just such a fun week with tons of stuff going on.  So, here goes.
Blueberry.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 7
Weight Gain/Loss: -5 lbs.
Cravings: Chicken... specifically Buffalo Wild Wings.  I finally broke down and ate meat.
Aversions:  Just about everything.  I pretty much feel nauseous all the time.
Sleep: I'm doing okay.  Some days I feel like I could sleep all day, but for the most part, I'm hanging in there.
Breakdowns: Not any that I can remember. :-)
Significant Events: We had our first ultrasound!  Everything measured right on track.  Also, we picked out our crib and changing table!!  Thanks Mom and Dad!
HARALSON_ABBY_5.jpg picture by abbyharalson
What I Miss: Not a thing!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting to tell people
What I’ve Learned: Morning sickness is not fun.  I am hungry, so I got to get something to eat, but then I can't eat anything because I am so nauseous.  It is quite confusing.
Belly Pic:  It's still a little too early for this.  Sorry.

How We Got Here

Okay, so a little back-story for those who don't know.  Brett and I got married Sept. 12, 2009.  We had talked about having kids before the wedding, and I didn't think that I wanted to have kids until we were past 30.  I am just a little stuck in my ways, and I like sleep.  Lots of it.  For 8-10 hours at a time.  So, I didn't think it would be a good idea.  Welp, needless to say, we were both shocked when I got my first BFP about 3 weeks after the wedding.  (BFP = internet terminology for Big Fat Positive, as a pregnancy test)

It is kind of funny how things like this can change your whole mindset.  I hadn't thought that I wanted a baby so soon, but all of the sudden, I was so excited.  I felt lucky that it had happened, and that I hadn't waited all that time to find out what I really wanted.  It was quite surreal.  We told my parents and Brett's parents pretty much right away.

Sidenote:  I have to tell the story about when we told Brett's parents, because it was quite funny... So, we made a trip down there.  I got a frame that said, "Just when you thought your heart was full, along comes a grandchild" and then I put a picture of the pregnancy test in there.  Looking back, very cheesy... But at the time, it was cute. Well, we got to their house, and immediately told them we had a present for them and they needed to open it now.  Dixi, being the sleuth that she is, took it and started yellling, "I know what it is!  It's a picture.  It's a picture of the wedding."  Okay, Dixi... Joke is on you.  Well, when she opened it, there are no words to describe her face.  It took her a couple of seconds, and then she said, "Is this a 'freaking' joke?"  But she didn't say freaking.  And then she started crying.  Good times.

Okay, so, back to the story. Your first pregnancy is interesting, because it is so simple and innocent.  You never expect that you would have a miscarriage.  At least I didn't.  I am fairly healthy, and I have child-bearing hips.  My mom or grandma never had one, and my grandma had 6, yes 6, kids by the time she was 26.  Miscarriage never really crossed my mind.  Well, unfortunately 2 weeks to the day after our positive pregnancy test, we had a natural miscarriage.  It was one of the worst experiences of my life.

After this, it took us several months to recover.  Emotionally and physically.  We talked a lot about if we were going to start trying again.  Was it the right time?  What about me being in school?  Did we have enough money saved up?  We actually went back and forth several times, but what we decided is this:  The timing will never be perfect.  There is always stuff in life that is going on.  Yeah, I'm in school now, but I have the benefit of not working full time.  So, there is a trade-off.  So, in March 2010 we officially were TTC (trying to concieve).

We tried for 3 months by just guessing and trying to time it right, and stuff like that.  Which, is fine, but the control freak in me wanted to do more (and know more about my body).  So, the next month I started charting, using a basal body thermometer to know when I ovulate, doing OPKs (ovulation predictor kits), and such.  It turns out I ovulate much later than I thought.  So, first month charting, and what do we have???  Another BFP!  Whoo hoo!  That was July 18.  My EDD (estimated due date) is March 29, 2011.   **Here is a link to my "chart" if anyone wants to take a look at it.  It is kind of interesting.  http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/2f8545

Let me tell you, this has been a rollercoaster so far.  Brett and I have both been so nervous thinking about "what-ifs".  But, we just take it one day at a time.  That is all you can do.  I think part of me will always be scared of having another miscarriage, but there is nothing I can do about it.  There is a common phrase that is said on a message board I go to, "Today I am pregnant and love my baby."  That is all we can do, because what happens tomorrow is out of our control.  And I am over 8 weeks now!  It seems surreal.  There are still not many people that know.  We can't wait until we get to 12ish weeks to start telling people.  We are taking a trip to MO on Sept. 17th, and we are going to tell Brett's family then.  And, for the record, Aunt Kathy, you are right!  Dixi is sworn to secrecy, so she can't confirm it... but we are totally knocked up and that is why we are coming in September.  I want to know how you know... Is it just a hunch?  I am very curious.

Well, I promise most posts won't be this long.  That is our story that got us to where we are.  I can't wait until more people are actually "in the know" and reading this.


Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well, hello.  This is interesting.  My first post.  So, I haven't ever blogged before.  I guess I have never felt cool enough or interesting enough to actually write about myself.  And while I still don't think I am cool enough, I guess I will give it a shot.  Please don't leave negative feedback until I have a couple of posts under my belt.  Kay?  Thanks.

Okay, that is it for the first post.  I don't want to put too much pressure on myself.  Seriously.  You never know when I might start crying... Right, Brett???  I will post some more information and a little back-story later.  Bye for now!