Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weekly Update

SweetPotato.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 18 weeks 2 days (I am having an issue getting these done exactly on the week marker, which is Tuesday.... On Tuesdays I have clinicals from 7 am to 7 pm, so needless to say, I am exhausted when I get done.)
Weight gain/loss: All I am going to say is that there was a big number mentioned last week when I went to the doctor's office, and this week I weigh less than that.  Whew!
Cravings: Halloween candy.  I think it is because I already bought it, so I know that it is there, hiding in the closet (yes, I "hid" it from myself... out of sight, out of mind, right???)
Aversions: Nothing too bad... I still am waiting to like onions again.
Sleep: Brett is sleeping well.  He snores every night.  Me?  Hmm... Not so much.  I guess it is just getting me prepared for all the restless nights with a little baby.
Breakdowns: None this week!  Yay!
Significant Events: I bought maternity scrubs this week.  Which is weird, because for the most part, people at work don't know that I am pregnant... But I can tell that mine are getting to tight, and the pants don't want to stay up.  Funny story, the DO NOT make maternity scrubs in purple, which is what I need for Butler clinicals... So, we will see what I do there.  
What I Miss: I saw a TV show last night where people were drinking champagne, and I thought, "Yum, that looks good".  And then I realized that was a no-no, and I snapped out of it.  Maybe some Welch's sparkling grape juice is in my future.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Okay, there are two things (which might be mentioned every week until they happen): 1)  I can't wait for Brett to feel the baby move from the outside.  I am feeling it a lot from the inside now, so I don't think it will be too much longer!  2)  We have our ultrasound in less then 3 weeks!  I can't wait to see the baby.
What I’ve Learned: Maternity jeans are the most comfortable jeans ever!  I never want to wear jeans with a button and zipper again... 
Belly Pic:  Here it is from this morning... I had just gotten out of the shower, hence the hair.
IMG_20101028_110115.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just a fun pic...

What a lazy Sunday!  I am watching the NFL Redzone channel, which switches back and forth to games that are in the redzone.  Brett is out of town (camping).  I took this picture this morning when I was laying down... I like it because you can really see the bump.  Notice how blindingly white my stomach is... Also, notice how I don't have stretch marks yet.  The key word here is "yet".  Unfortunately, my mom and my sister got nasty stretch marks, so I think that I will get them before this is all over with.  IMG_20101024_121929.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Well, there is no mistaking it this time!

For the last two days, I have officially been feeling movement from the baby!  Woot woot!  I thought that I had felt it about 3 weeks ago, but I now think that I wasn't feeling the baby... Honestly, it was probably gas.  :-)

The first time I felt it, I was actually at clinicals and I was talking to someone.  I felt the little "fluttering" and I just stopped talking and spaced out for a minute.  I tried to compose myself, because I didn't want to seem like a total idiot to the nurses I was working with, but it was hard to focus after that.  Then the next day (yesterday) I felt it several times... at home, at the movies, in bed.  So cool!  Now I just can't wait until Brett will be able to feel him/her from the outside!  It shouldn't be too much longer...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 17 weeks (and 1 day, to be exact)
Weight gain/loss: I don't want to talk about it.
Cravings: Nothing in particular... Everything tastes good... Especially in large quantities.
Aversions: Nothing, really.
Sleep: I broke down and got a Snoogle!  Okay, well I got one on craigs list for 25% of what I would have paid at Target.  It is magical... It makes sleeping on the side so much easier.  And it is massive!  I'm pretty sure that when I am done being pregnant and stop using the snoogle, Brett is going to claim it.  If you haven't seen one, here is a pic.

Breakdowns: Well, I broke down and bought Halloween candy even though Halloween isn't for two weeks.  Does that count?  It is definitely crazy and self-destructive.
Significant Events: I had the first person ask me if I was pregnant yesterday!  I was so excited... My first thought was, "Maybe I am finally starting to look pregnant...".  And then she told me that I don't look like it, but she thought she heard someone mention it (she is in nursing class with me, but not someone that I normally talk to or know).  Aw, letdown.  That's okay, though.  It was still fun to have someone ask! 
What I Miss: Walking up stairs without getting out of breath.  Seriously people, this is not an exaggeration!  Brett made fun of me the other day for it.  "OMG.  Are you seriously out of breath after those stairs... (chuckle, chuckle)".  
What I’m Looking Forward To: Halloween!  I have a great costume that I will be sure to post pics of.  I am dressing up as the Hot Dog Eating Contest National Champion!  I have my shirt already, so I just need the rest of the costume.  I will, of course, use my bump to make it look like a ate a lot (for those who don't get it).  I'll post pics!
What I’ve Learned: Those cramps in my lower uterus that feel like a form of medieval torture, yeah, those are normal.  While that is good, it sounds like I have a few more to look forward to this baby is out.
Belly Pic: These are some of my new maternity clothes!  I normally am not an Old Navy fan (their stuff never fits me right!), but for some reason I love their maternity clothes!  They are cute and comfie.  I may never wear jeans with a zipper and button again (I mean it - never!).  
IMG_20101020_082603.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well, this makes me sad...

I swear, I wasn't actively looking... But, when I was about 7 weeks pregnant, I saw a link to a website that someone had advertised as having "really cute, super cheap diaper bags".  So, I have to look, right?  Yeah.  So, I looked, and I found my *perfect* diaper bag.  You know how people say that when you find the *perfect* wedding dress, you will just know???  Well, I never got that feeling with my wedding dress... but I did with my diaper bag!  The moment I saw it, I just thought it was perfect, and I wanted it.

Now, of course, being 7 weeks pregnant, Brett would K-I-L-L me if I started buying stuff (okay, drastic overstatement... Brett would give me a look as if to say, "Did you really need this?  This early?  Okay, whatever"  and then I would proceed to feel guilty on my own).  So, I didn't buy it.  But we are getting to the point that it wouldn't seem completely crazy of me to start buying stuff like this.  So I went to the website to look at my *perfect* diaper bag... and it is gone!  Sold out.  Seriously.  They have a black one, but my *perfect* one is maroon.  Maroon goes with everything - black, brown, beige, blue, baby puke... maroon is the perfect color!  I can't have black.  Ugh.

So, I guess I will have to wait - with fingers and toes crossed - and hope that they get more of my *perfect* maroon diaper bag in stock.  And, I swear, that if they get the maroon one back in stock, I will not wait this time!  I will buy!  They still have the black one, so maybe there is a glimmer of hope.  (And for anyone who is curious or wants to know if I have awful taste, here is a pic of it... Isn't she a beauty???)
1258843-p-2x.jpg picture by abbyharalson***She looks like this, but in maroon!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekly Update

Avocado.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 16
Weight gain/loss: +7 (that means that I gained 2 lbs. from last week... eek!)
Cravings: A giant turkey leg.  Okay, there is a story.  Since Amanda and Cody were in town this weekend, we went the a Renaissance Fair, which was actually pretty cool.  Anyways, one of the vendors had those gigantic turkey legs... You know the ones that are about the size of your face?  Well, Cody and I were going to split one, but I had had a late lunch, so we were going to wait until the end.  So, I patiently wait, knowing how delicious this turkey leg is going to be.  About 5 pm, we go up there to order our turkey leg... They are sold out!!!!   You serious, Clark???  Oh, it was a sad day.  So, since about Saturday at 5 pm, I have wanted a turkey leg - and I know that unless I decide to drive to a state fair somewhere, I will not be getting one.  Wah!!!  (that is me crying)
Aversions: Hmm... Nothing really notable this week.
Sleep: Well, I am finally getting some energy back, so that is nice.  But sleep is definitely getting more interesting.  I can no longer sleep on my stomach!  It is just too annoying.  I can do this side maneuver where I get a pillow under my belly, then kind of position myself like I am laying on my stomach, but really my belly is out to the side.  I have a feeling this will only last a couple more weeks until I am a full side sleeper.  Ugh.  I guess I can always dream about a snoogle.
Breakdowns: There was one.  I was basically sleep deprived, and I decided I didn't want to go to the Renaissance Fair because it cost $10 to get in and I thought it was free.  So, I cried and bawled about it.  And Brett just kind of chuckled and hugged me.  I swear, it is like while I am crying, Brett says, "Why are you crying?"  And through the sobs and tears, I say, "I don't know."  It is pretty funny... Just hormones, I guess.  But, hey, would you rather have a crying, sad hormonal pregnant lady or pissed-off, irate hormonal pregnant lady???  At least I am not the latter... 
Significant Events: I have officially retired my old jeans.  I tried to wear them the other day when we went out for lunch, and they are just too uncomfortable!  Let me clear one thing up... I CAN still fit into them.  CAN.  But I have to do this little "ponytail holder trick" to get them to stay buttoned, and then they end up folding over, and just being uncomfortable.  So, I give up!  I have two pair of Old Navy maternity jeans that are actually cute, AND comfortable.  I am just going with them from now on.
What I Miss: There really isn't anything this week. 
What I’m Looking Forward To: I want to feel flutters!  ::::stomps feet on ground like a 6 year old not getting her way:::  
What I’ve Learned: What have I learned this week?  Hmm... Well, I have learned that you might think you are smart, but pregnancy is smarter.  So, whatever you thought that you knew, well, you were wrong.  I thought I was getting a bump (finally!), but this week it seems to have regressed.  So, I guess I will wait a couple more weeks until I finally pop.  I just hope it happens by Halloween or else my costume isn't going to be near as cool.
Belly Pic:  Okay, folks.  Here it is.  As I just said, I think it has actually gotten smaller during the last two weeks.  And my straightening iron is broken.  Don't make fun of my hair.  
IMG_20101012_111923.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just Checking In...

Well, I am sitting here after Amanda and Cody just left... They were here for the last 3 or 4 days, and it is always so much fun to have them.  We went out to eat a couple of times, played some games, and just did some relaxing.  Hopefully Amanda and folks will get to come down for Thanksgiving, but I don't think that plans are final yet.

So, I have had a weird pregnancy week... The last couple of weeks I really thought that I was starting to get a bump!!  It was exciting.  But, it seems that my bump is getting smaller.  I don't really understand it.  It might just be me thinking this, but it seems like it was bigger last week than this week.  And I don't think that I felt flutters that one day.  :::insert sad face here:::  The only reason that I say this is because I haven't felt them again since then.  And that was two weeks ago!  I think that if that is truly what they were, I would have felt them again by now.  But, I am still thinking that it won't be too long before I feel them... That will be awesome.

Okay, so that is all... I just wanted to check-in.  Oh!  Last thing... I got this for the baby... OMG, I think it is the cutest thing I have ever seen.... And I think it will work for a boy or girl!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekly Update

NavelOrange.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 15
Weight gain/loss: +5 (which means that I didn't gain any this week... yay!)
Cravings: I keep getting cravings when I see something on tv, or I read about it.  Like, yesterday, when I was watching How I Met Your Mother, they had a scene where the ordered jalapeno poppers, and I would have given anything for some!  And this past weekend, I read something about an Arby's roast beef sandwich, and that is all I wanted!
Aversions: Nothing too extreme... The one that keeps baffling me is onions.  I generally *love* onions and I could put them on anything (raw, cooked, whatever... it is all good).  But lately, I don't really like them.  They don't make me want to gag, but I would just rather steer clear of them.  It is really throwing me for a loop.
Sleep: I am actually starting to get more energy!  Woot woot!
Breakdowns: None this week... Hells yeah!
Significant Events: Okay, so I *think* that I felt flutters on Saturday.  I was laying down on the couch, and I started to feel a lot of pressure down there.  So, I laid really still, and I thought I felt this little "bubble" or something... It felt as if it were something really light down there just kind of moving around.  But - it only lasted a couple of seconds and I haven't felt it since!!!  I really want to feel it again!
What I Miss: Okay, well I have to say that for the most part, I haven't really "missed" being able to drink alcohol.  But tonight we are going to see Daniel Tosh (of Comedy Central's Tosh.0) do a comedy show.  We are going with my friend Reniece and her husband Marc.  I think it might be the first time I wish that I were able to have a beer or wine.  But, it is a small sacrifice, and I ultimately won't have any issues with it.  :-)
What I’m Looking Forward To: Feeling flutters - for sure this time!!
What I’ve Learned: Although I am getting the majority of the fun pregnancy symptoms, Brett is getting one... He has been nesting!  Okay, well maybe not.  But, he has been cleaning a lot, and I really appreciate it. So, anyways, I guess that I have learned that both us of are going to start changing!
Belly Pic: For my standards, this is pretty dressed up!  Since we are going out to eat and to the concert, I figured I would get all fixed up and nice looking.  One thing... The shirt is empire waist (I think that is what it is called) so it has a tendency to make people look pregnant even when they aren't.  So, what I am trying to say is: ~~Warning... Bumps may appear larger than they actually are.~~
IMG_20101005_164332.jpg picture by abbyharalson