Thursday, December 30, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 27
Cravings: Lots of protein... cottage cheese, yogurt, beans, meat (except lunch meat)
Aversions: Nothing really, although I have noticed that my cravings are totally sweet related.  Normally, I love all of the holiday sweets, but I am not crazy about them this year.  
Sleep: Eh, pretty much the same.  I did have one dreadful night where I couldn't sleep at all because of indigestion, and then woke up at 6 am because I was pretty sure there was a hole being burned through my throat.  I had to wake up and try to go sleep in a chair after that.
Breakdowns: None!
Significant Events: Christmas day was actually the beginning of 3rd trimester!!  We also had an ultrasound today and got to see the baby!  Here are a few pictures. :-)
What I Miss: Nothing... I am enjoying being the pregnancy, even through the indigestion and lack of sleep.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting furniture and getting the room set up!
What I’ve Learned: Baby Haralson is already spoiled, even before getting out of the womb. S/he got so many awesome Christmas presents... books, a Scentsy warmer and Scentsy lamb, toys, onsies, sleepers, bath towels, diapers, wipes, a giraffe blanket, and tons of other stuff!  Thanks to everyone!
Belly Pic: Okay, so this is technically 27 weeks and 2 days... Sorry I was late with the update this week!  I feel like I grew a ton this week!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 26
Cravings: Mmm... So much right now... I am just craving holiday food... Turkey, mashed potatoes, etc... I really want green bean casserole one more time before the holidays are done!!
Aversions: There isn't a whole lot that I don't want to eat right now!  Which can be a bad thing... I told my OB that I thought the holidays are a bad time to be pregnant because of all the good food that is around will cause you to gain extra weight... She thought it was the best time to be pregnant because "at least you have an excuse if you do gain more than you are supposed to".  Did I mention that I love my OB?  She has a great way of viewing things, huh?
Sleep: I actually slept really good last night!!  Which was the first time in a long time.  I even slept in for a bit (until 10), but when you go to bed at 2 am... This was kind of cute, too.  I actually woke up this morning because I was getting some serious kicks from baby!  I guess s/he decided it was time to wake up, because it totally worked. 
Breakdowns: No breakdowns!  Yay!  And, let me tell you... You might be thinking this is a small deal, but I baked for 12 hours yesterday!  Yes, 12 hours!  Exhausted would have been an understatement.  It could have made for quite a "kitchen meltdown", but I was cool as a freaking cucumber.  Well, until about midnight, when I *begged* Brett to come up and help me put together the food trays, because I just couldn't manage it anymore.
Significant Events: Did I already mention that I got my first stretch mark?  It is on my hip.  Luckily, none on my belly yet.  One of these days I will get brave and take a bare belly shot, just to prove it to you guys.  Other than that, during the past week I have noticed that my ring is becoming too tight!  I really haven't had any swelling issues that I have noticed, but apparently I am getting some.  I haven't had my ring on for about 4 days because it is so tight, and I finally put it back on this morning.  It is still tight, but I am going to give it a shot.  
What I Miss: Sleeping without feeling like I have thrown up in the back of my throat.  Yes, my indigestion is fun.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Christmas!!  We have my family's Christmas party tonight, and then tomorrow we are leaving for MO when Brett gets off work.  It should be a nice, relaxing time.  
What I’ve Learned: I *tried* to shave my legs this morning.  That was fun.  I told Brett not to count on that happening too many times between now and early April.
Belly Pic: 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 25
Cravings: Mustard, pho (vietnamese soup), anything sweet
Aversions: Deli meat... which is weird, because normally I *love* subway.
Sleep: Tossing and turning all night long
Breakdowns: None... yay!
Significant Events: It just seems like everything is so huge at this point... The baby is moving tons, you can see my stomach move from the outside, the room is in the process of being ready... Oh, and I had a doctor's appt today - everything is looking good! 
What I Miss: Really nothing!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Christmas!!  I can't wait to bake treats, spend time with family, open presents.... I just love this time of year!
What I’ve Learned: I honestly don't think I have any words of wisdom for this week.
Belly Pic: From today, which is actually 25 weeks and 1 day.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh, and I forgot to mention...

I got my first stretch mark.  Awesome.

Weekly Update

Weeks: 24
Cravings: I still want mustard!  Lots of it!
Aversions: Nothing really... It is actually pretty bad... Just about anything sounds good all the time!  I feel like I could eat a meal for every hour of the day.  (Although I am not... I have *some* self control.)
Sleep: Still miserable.  Brett is ordered a mouthpiece that is supposed to keep him from snoring.  I hope that will help.
Breakdowns: None!
Significant Events: We made it to V-Day!!!  That is "viability day", which is just a marker that is used sometimes that means the baby would have a shot of making it if s/he were born this early.  (God forbid that happen... we'll just let it keep cooking for about 16 more weeks.)
What I Miss: Being able to bend down without making a spectacle of myself.  Also, being able to shave my legs.  (Okay, Brett misses that more than me, hahaha!)
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery painted and the furniture in the room!
What I’ve Learned: Pregnancy can help you get away with a lot!!  Like, whenever I drop something now, Brett will pick it up for me.  And he always carries anything that is heavy.  And, if I ever feel like I am eating a lot and make a comment about eating too much, someone will nicely say, "It's okay, honey.  You are eating for two now."  (In reality, you only need 300 extra calories a day, but who follows that rule?!?!)
Belly Pic: Here is it!  Taken before going to Brett's work Christmas party.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What a fun little discovery!

So, the other night Brett and I youtubed some videos pregnant bellies that people have taped.  It is essentially people that have filmed their bellies (most of them are close to their due dates) and since the babies are so big at that point, you can really see the movement and body parts.  Some of them are C-R-A-Z-Y.  Seriously.  Like alien babies or something.

So, I am at home alone with nothing but time to kill, and I decided to watch my belly... Surely it is too early to see anything move, but just for fun I wanted to do it.  And as baby starts getting active, all of the sudden I am seeing these little bumps and twitches.  Holy crap!  I can see the movement.  I showed Brett, and he really liked it.  We both thought it was pretty cute to watch, and it kind of makes you fall in love with the baby all over again.  It is fun to feel the kicks, but then when you can see them it is just really awesome.

I really wanted to try to film this and put it on here... So, I tried for about 10 minutes to get some of this action on tape this morning... I really did!  But, apparently my stomach is too pale white to be able to distinguish any bumps or twitches from a crappy cell phone camera.  I might slather some sunless tanner on later and try again (okay, no chance I am doing that... sorry).