Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 23 weeks
Cravings: Okay, so I have no idea what spurred this... I haven't had too many cravings lately, but last night I was watching TV, and someone had mustard on a pretzel... and all of the sudden I just wanted mustard!  Plain, yellow mustard!  It didn't even matter what it was on, so I just got a plain tortilla with tons of yellow mustard and went to town.  It still sounds good, so I may have to have more tonight. :-)
Aversions: I wouldn't say that this is an aversion, but it is close.  I got a 1/2 gallon of ice cream from Braum's about a month and a half ago, and just now finished it!  Those who know me well, know that I generally *love* ice cream and it generally doesn't last in our house.  I don't know why, it just isn't that good.
Sleep: I keep thinking that it is impossible for my sleeping to get any worse, but it just keeps happening.  At this rate, I will be sleeping about 1 hour per night when the baby is born.
Breakdowns: I had a huge temper tantrum when I couldn't get one of my rollers to stay in!  Seriously... I was trying to get ready to go out to eat, and it just kept falling out.  I remember calling it a few choice words, but it didn't seem to care.  
Significant Events: When Brad and Dixi and Amanda were here, we got the baby room painted and hung the ceiling fan!!  Woot woot!  They also got a ceiling fan installed in the living room, helped put the Christmas tree up, and Brad and Brett got the washer and dryer installed.  Seriously, all of that in about 4 days.  I keep joking that they will never want to come back because whenever they are here, we put them to work! 
What I Miss: Being able to sleep through the night.
What I’m Looking Forward To: I can't wait for exactly one week when I will be done with classes!!  I have a long list of stuff that I want to get done over Christmas break, and about 90% of it involves getting stuff ready for the baby.  I am actually looking forward to having time to get organized.
What I’ve Learned: Hmm... I learned that the baby can be kicking the crap out of my stomach, but the second someone else puts their hand on my tummy to feel it, the baby will stop.  I think it likes playing jokes, even in the womb.  It must have Brett's sense of humor.  :-)
Belly Pic:  This was just taken a few minutes ago... We are about to head to my parent's house for Brett's birthday.  My mom is making a lasagna, and we are stopping to get an ice cream cake, so it will be a par-tay for sure!  Also, I just realized that I am wearing the exact same shirt and the same expression as last week... This is actually a different photo, I swear!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 22 weeks 1 day
Cravings: Turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing, pecan pie... Let's just say that I am ready for tomorrow!!!
Aversions: Deli meat.  I don't know when this happened, but I went to Subway the other day, and the thought of deli meat grossed me out.  I had to get a meatball sub (which was delish, BTW!).
Sleep: Brett got sick this past week, so for about 3 nights he slept on the couch because he was so restless.  This was the best sleep I have gotten in MONTHS.  Yes, sad, but true.
Breakdowns: None, really.  Which is *amazing* considering all of the cleaning, cooking, and school that has gone on in the past 3 days.
Significant Events: There hasn't been one huge event, but this past week, the baby has just been so much more active!  Brett gets to feel it all the time, and I feel it when I am driving, working, etc... I used to have to be sitting really still to feel it, so it is pretty cool to be able to feel it more often. 
What I Miss: Don't judge me, but I am just craving a glass of champagne or wine.  Ugh.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving!  Family, food, togetherness.  Thank goodness my sister isn't cooking the turkey this year.  (You know I <3 you.)
What I’ve Learned: I have so much stuff to do this Christmas break!!  I have a full month off from school, and I have tons of stuff that I can get ready for when the little kicker is going to come.  I am actually looking forward to getting some stuff done. :-)
Belly Pic: Okay, so this is from today... 22 weeks, 1 day.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 21 (and 1 day, technically)
Cravings: I am just craving all sorts of Thanksgiving food!!  Bring on the stuffing, mashed potatoes, pecan pie, etc.  I don't think that this has as much to do with my pregnancy than me just being ready for Thanksgiving!!
Aversions: None.
Sleep: It just keeps getting worse... I think that my body is preparing me for sleepless nights with a baby.
Breakdowns: None... I am not a beast, yet, anyways.  :-)
Significant Events: This is a big one!!!  We had our ultrasound today!  The baby looked great, measured at 21 weeks exactly, and was in the 44th percentile for weight, which is just about perfect.  The little stinker just slept through the whole thing and didn't want to move around for us.  S/he did do this little thing were s/he moved his/her mouth like it was talking... It was the sweetest thing, and Brett and I both liked that the best.  Here's the funny part: Apparently this little baby really wants to be a surprise, because the legs were curled up the whole time, so the tech said that she couldn't have gotten a view of the "parts" even if she wanted to!  She said that she could give us a guess, at best, but that she wasn't able to see the gender.  I told Brett that I guess it is just meant to be a surprise. :-)
What I Miss: Sleep
What I’m Looking Forward To: Brad and Dixi and Amanda coming into town!  It is going to be a good time... And hopefully we can get a lot of planning done with the nursery. 
What I’ve Learned: We registered this week... Wow!  There is so much baby crap that it is nearly impossible to know what the baby needs and what the baby will never use.  I read a book that went over different products and brands, so hopefully I did okay.  It is *very* overwhelming. 
Belly Pic:  Here it is from today, at 21 weeks 1 day.  Also, there's a bonus pic of baby's face!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Week of Excitement

Well, I thought that hitting the 20 week mark on Tuesday was enough excitement for the week... But, no!  When I got home from clinicals on Tuesday, I had a little delivery waiting for me... What could it be, you ask?  Oh, just my beautiful diaper bag.  Here is a pic of me with the diaper bag.
IMG_20101110_104739.jpg picture by abbyharalson
I think that it is pretty enough to get its own name, although I haven't named it yet.  So, if you have any suggestions, I am willing to consider them.  

Oh, but wait... It gets better... So, last night, I am watching TV and at about 10 pm the baby starts to get a little fiesty.  I am to the point now where I feel it frequently and it is very easy to feel.  So, I had Brett put his hand on my stomach and just hold it there for a few minutes... It took a couple of minutes for the baby to start its kickboxing routine again, but it gave me a swift little jab, and Brett said, "Did it just kick?  I felt something."  Oh, yes!!!  That is exactly what that was!!!  So, he left his hand there a little longer and got to feel a few more kicks and wiggles.  I think that I was more excited about him feeling it than he was!  

What a great week... There is one more thing that I would *love* to get good news about... Maybe tomorrow???

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Weekly Update

Canteloupe.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 20 weeks!!  Halfway!
Weight gain/loss: FYI - I am officially taking out this question as of next week... At first I thought it was cute, but now, not so much.
Cravings: None.
Aversions: None. (I am so boring this week, huh?)
Sleep: Same as the last couple of weeks... I toss and turn and then get up and go to the bathroom... It is a fun little routine.
Breakdowns: None!  And considering that Brett and I babysat 3 kids on Saturday night, I'd say that is pretty good!
Significant Events: I got my diaper bag in the mail today!  I love it... It is even more beautiful in person!  I just want to keep smelling it... 
What I Miss: Being comfortable...  I am getting to the point that any clothes that I wear that aren't maternity just make me uncomfortable... Speed walking makes me breath heavy... Bending over is beginning to become an issue.  I am having serious issues, and we still have a ways to go. 
What I’m Looking Forward To: Brad and Dixi are coming for Thanksgiving!  I am so excited to see them, but also I am excited for Dixi to start sharing her ideas with me for the nursery!  
What I’ve Learned: Buying Halloween candy after Halloween has passed, even if it is 75% off, is always a bad idea.
Belly Pic: Taken by Brett at 5:30 am.  (I love you!)
IMG_20101109_055904.jpg picture by abbyharalson

Friday, November 5, 2010

We finally have agreed on one...

To say that Brett and I have a difference of opinion over names is like saying that I am a "little bit competitive".  We are on such different naming paths that I have worried that our child will actually be nameless... like, "Baby Boy Haralson" will be on the birth certificate.  Brett likes more traditional names, whereas I like names that are very unique and less common.

Well, today a miracle happened.  I actually suggested a name that Brett likes!  He said that on a scale of 1-10, he would give it a 9!!!  I am good, people. 

Now, said name will actually go unmentioned right now, as my dad already made fun of it, and I need some recovery time to get my feelings back to normal.  Yes, I know that he is an old grouch and it shouldn't hurt my feelings.  And, it doesn't technically "hurt" my feelings, but you want people to like the name you pick out, you know???  (Not that this name is "picked out" or "decided on"... You get the idea.)

BTW, if I were a boy, I was going to be named Adam.  My dad came up with the Abby/Adam choices.  So, I kindly informed him that I was not going to be using the same baby-naming method that he used... You know, the one where he opens up the baby book and picks the first name he sees.  (You can laugh... I am funny sometimes.)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I said that I wouldn't wait this time...

...and I didn't!  I was browsing online today and noticed that they had my beautiful diaper bag back in stock... So, I got it!  It should arrive it 5-10 business days, so then I can hold it and smell it and touch it.  Oh, how this makes my day. :-)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Weekly Update

Mango.jpg picture by abbyharalson
Weeks: 19
Weight gain/loss: +13 
Cravings: Sour cream... I could eat it by the spoonful!
Aversions: I thought I was going to vomit the other night when Brett used this really strong fajita marinade!!  I normally love that stuff (Dixi uses it when she does Mexican), but for some reason, the smell of it made me nauseous.  Ugh!
Sleep: Oh, I wake up about twice each night to go to the bathroom, and then when I am "sleeping", I am tossing and turning.  That's about it.
Breakdowns: Not anything good.
Significant Events: I am feeling the baby move a lot!  At least every day... And when I lay still, it just feels like the baby is throwing a party in there, or something.  Very cool.
What I Miss: Staying up late and not being tired all the time!  I went to Kirby's on Saturday night because Brett was playing in a 50's cover band with Brian and Jeff, and I actually had to plan my nap into that day, because otherwise I knew I would be too tired to make it.
What I’m Looking Forward To: 20 weeks!!  Next week we will officially be halfway there!  
What I’ve Learned: I am actually decent with a sewing machine... Because they don't make maternity scrubs in "grape purple", I took a pair of mine and sewed on a "maternity panel" (you know, the stretchy panel that goes up over your belly).  And they actually look decent!  I am very proud. :-)
Belly Pic: I know that I am posting this a day late, but the picture is actually yesterday at 19 weeks.  I took it at 6:00 am before I went to clinicals for the day.  
IMG_20101102_062347.jpg picture by abbyharalson