Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 38!!  When is this baby going to come???
Cravings: Anything sweet!  I am loving some Cadbury Eggs about now.
Aversions: None.
Sleep: Great!  I am sleeping well except for the numerous bathroom trips.
Breakdowns: There is no time for breakdowns!!  School is keeping me way to busy.
Significant Events: Hmm... Not really any specific events.  I am having a big increase in contractions!!  And not Braxton Hicks contractions... real ones!  That is fun.
What I Miss: Nothing... I am just ready to meet our baby!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting our baby.  Knowing if it is a boy or girl.  Knowing its name.  Holding it.  All of the good stuff.
What I’ve Learned: Even if you think you are in early labor, you probably aren't.
Belly Pic: From this morning... I am wearing the same shirt as last week to see if there is any difference.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Update

*Why can't I do this on time???  Okay, so I will get it on time... Only a few weeks left, and I can do it on time.
Weeks: 37
Cravings: Still donuts!  Ah!  It is so bad... I only allow myself one (or three) on the weekends, though.
Aversions: None.
Sleep: Really good... I have figured out how to sleepwalk to the bathroom, so my 5 nightly bathroom trips aren't too bad.
Breakdowns: I keep thinking that I am going to totally freak out as the date approaches, but so far I have been so busy that I haven't even had time to blink!  I'm sure that if I make it to spring break, I will have some time to freak out!
Significant Events: Well, I think that this happened a few weeks ago, but did I mention that the baby has totally dropped??  It is so much lower than it used to be, which is weird because people still telling me I am carrying high.  But, nope, the little stinker is low, low, low.
What I Miss: Abs.  You know, the muscles.  It practically takes a crane to pull me up off the couch.
What I’m Looking Forward To: I am 100% ready to know the gender!!  I think girl, but I want to know for sure!
What I’ve Learned: When people hear that I don't know the gender, they always say, "Well how are you going to buy clothes?"  And I want to scream that this is one of the best parts!!  I have actually been able to buy girls and boys clothes, and I am just keeping the receipts to return whatever we don't need... It is awesome!  I get to shop for both!
Belly Pic: Okay, so this is from last Tuesday... Can you tell that I have dropped?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: 36... And I am finally caught up!  I will try to keep it on schedule for the rest of the weeks.
Cravings: This is really bad, I know... but, donuts!  I just crave sweetness in the mornings!
Aversions: None... not a one.
Sleep: Oh, it is getting bad again!  I can't get comfortable to save my life, and those potty trips that I thought were so bad back in 2nd trimester... Well, we are up to at least 4 a night now!
Breakdowns: Nothing big... I have actually been not too crazy hormonal for the majority of this pregnancy.  Brett owes me.
Significant Events: I had a doctor's appt a few days ago (we are up to weekly appts) and I am a fingertip dilated!  Also, she said that the baby's head is down (where it should be), which basically means that we don't have to worry about a breech baby or anything like that.  She also gave me a nice compliment and said that I have a "great pelvis" and she doesn't see me having any issues with a vaginal birth.  Woot woot!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night... I can't wait until I'm not pregnant anymore so I can sleep through the night.  (You understand the joke, I assume?)
What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting our baby!  I am so curious if it is a boy or girl and who s/he will look like!  I just hope s/he has my dimples. :-)
What I’ve Learned: I'm not sure about this, but from what I have gathered over the past few weeks... Babies have a ton of stuff!  And I'm pretty sure that my house isn't going to be clean for the next 18 years.
Belly Pic: This was actually taken on Tuesday, which was 36 weeks.  Did I mention that I feel huge?  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weekly Update

Weeks: Oh, goodness!  I have been neglecting my blog. :-(    This is technically for week 35, even though I am late posting it!
Cravings: Cadbury Eggs!  I love them!
Aversions: I wish I was having an aversion to *something*!  Everything sounds good right now.
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty good right now!  I think it is just because I am getting so worn out during the day.
Breakdowns: None!
Significant Events: I had such a great time at the baby shower in Wichita this weekend!  Thanks to everyone that was able to come.  I hope you got to enjoy a margarita for me. :-)
What I Miss: Nothing.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the room to the point that I can call it complete.  At this point, it just needs a little bit of organization and a few decorations.
What I’ve Learned: Being pregnant during the summer must be miserable!  It is still cool, and I am sweating ALL THE TIME.  Seriously.  It is getting ridiculous.
Belly Pic: Okay, so even though the update is late, this pic is actually from the 35 week mark.  ;-)