Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Weekly Update

Weeks: 23 weeks
Cravings: Okay, so I have no idea what spurred this... I haven't had too many cravings lately, but last night I was watching TV, and someone had mustard on a pretzel... and all of the sudden I just wanted mustard!  Plain, yellow mustard!  It didn't even matter what it was on, so I just got a plain tortilla with tons of yellow mustard and went to town.  It still sounds good, so I may have to have more tonight. :-)
Aversions: I wouldn't say that this is an aversion, but it is close.  I got a 1/2 gallon of ice cream from Braum's about a month and a half ago, and just now finished it!  Those who know me well, know that I generally *love* ice cream and it generally doesn't last in our house.  I don't know why, it just isn't that good.
Sleep: I keep thinking that it is impossible for my sleeping to get any worse, but it just keeps happening.  At this rate, I will be sleeping about 1 hour per night when the baby is born.
Breakdowns: I had a huge temper tantrum when I couldn't get one of my rollers to stay in!  Seriously... I was trying to get ready to go out to eat, and it just kept falling out.  I remember calling it a few choice words, but it didn't seem to care.  
Significant Events: When Brad and Dixi and Amanda were here, we got the baby room painted and hung the ceiling fan!!  Woot woot!  They also got a ceiling fan installed in the living room, helped put the Christmas tree up, and Brad and Brett got the washer and dryer installed.  Seriously, all of that in about 4 days.  I keep joking that they will never want to come back because whenever they are here, we put them to work! 
What I Miss: Being able to sleep through the night.
What I’m Looking Forward To: I can't wait for exactly one week when I will be done with classes!!  I have a long list of stuff that I want to get done over Christmas break, and about 90% of it involves getting stuff ready for the baby.  I am actually looking forward to having time to get organized.
What I’ve Learned: Hmm... I learned that the baby can be kicking the crap out of my stomach, but the second someone else puts their hand on my tummy to feel it, the baby will stop.  I think it likes playing jokes, even in the womb.  It must have Brett's sense of humor.  :-)
Belly Pic:  This was just taken a few minutes ago... We are about to head to my parent's house for Brett's birthday.  My mom is making a lasagna, and we are stopping to get an ice cream cake, so it will be a par-tay for sure!  Also, I just realized that I am wearing the exact same shirt and the same expression as last week... This is actually a different photo, I swear!!

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